
Gigaphoton has been evolving its “Green Innovations” leading-edge environmental technologies to significantly reduce helium consumption, thus making a great contribution to the industrial world suffering from a shortage and price rise of helium gas

OYAMA, JAPAN; June 30, 2014Gigaphoton Inc., a major lithography light source manufacturer, announced today that it has succeeded in the development of an innovative purge process, one that does not use the rare gas helium, for its flagship “GT Series” of ArF immersion lasers. Evolving its leading-edge “Green Innovations” environmental technologies, this innovative helium-free purge process enables significant reduction of helium consumption for lithography tools.

Since its establishment in 2000, Gigaphoton has consistently focused on achieving the highest levels of output power, performance, and stability in the industry, as well as saving on power consumption to deliver the higher efficiency required for environmentally conscious “green fab.” Recently, an unstable supply and a price rise of helium gas have triggered Gigaphoton to work on development of the purge process that does not use helium, teaming up with a leading device manufacturer and a scanner manufacturer. At completion of evaluating the process performance at a Japanese device manufacturer, Gigaphoton has proven that this innovative purge process can be used for volume production.

On Earth, helium is a rare gas — 5.2 ppm by volume in the atmosphere. It is mainly mined as a byproduct when natural gas is mined. Helium has been used in various industries, including for medical equipment, linear motor cars, and semiconductors, and is indispensable for modern life. But consumption of helium in manufacturing has been increased dramatically, and it is forecast that our helium supply will be depleted in approx. 25 years if consumption continues at the current rate. So, the unstable supply and price rise of helium has become a serious issue today.

Gigaphoton recognizes that this issue produces a negative impact upon the entire industrial world. The company has considered how to use a gas substituting for helium as early as possible in order to reduce helium consumption for the purge process and thus help to conserve the helium supply for other industries that require helium more seriously, thus making a great contribution to the industrial world.

Helium is used as a purge gas for optical component modules within a laser light source. It removes active gases and impurities generated within the modules to prevent optical components from being damaged. One laser unit consumes approx. 80-160 kiloliters of helium per year. Therefore, all the laser light sources currently operating worldwide consume approx. 100,000 kiloliters of helium annually.

Instead of helium, Gigaphoton has developed, for the first time in the world, the purge process that uses nitrogen, an inert gas that accounts for approx. 78% of the atmosphere, with a stable supply, and proven that the process can maintain laser performance at the same level as that with helium.

“As a laser supplier supporting the semiconductor manufacturing, we will strive to maintain a stable production environment and stay active to be conscious of global environment and whole industries,” said Hitoshi Tomaru, President and CEO of Gigaphoton Inc. “We are committed to proceeding with our EcoPhoton™ program to make further contributions to greening of the semiconductor industry.”

About the EcoPhoton™ Program

The EcoPhoton™ program is a roadmap started in 2003 to implement Green Innovations, focusing on detailed analyses of three key cost-of-ownership (CoO) metrics: cost of consumables (CoC), cost of downtime (CoD), and cost of environment (CoE). The program aims at achieving continuous reduction of these costs by developing innovative green technologies.

About Gigaphoton

Since it was founded in 2000, Gigaphoton has developed and delivered user-friendly, high-performance DUV laser light sources used by major semiconductor chipmakers in the Pan-Asian, US and European regions.

Gigaphoton leads the way with cost-effective, highly productive lithography sources for high-volume production. With a global business outlook, Gigaphoton strives to be the world’s number-one lithography light source provider, focusing on end-user needs in every phase of its business — from research and development to manufacturing, to best-in-class reliability and world-class customer support.

For more information, please visit http://www.gigaphoton.com.

 Media Contacts

Katsutomo Terashima
Corporate Planning Division

Gigaphoton Inc.

E-mail: katsutomo_terashima@gigaphoton.com


Naoto Hisanaga

Sales Division

Gigaphoton Inc.

E-mail: naoto_hisanaga@gigaphoton.com


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栃木県小山市; 2014年6月30日—リソグラフィ光源の主要メーカーであるギガフォトン株式会社(本社: 栃木県小山市、代表取締役社長: 都丸仁、www.gigaphoton.com)は、本日同社の主要製品である高出力ArF液浸レーザー「GTシリーズ」で、希少ガスであるヘリウムをパージガスとして使用しない技術の開発に成功したことを発表しました。同社が導入を推進する最先端環境技術「グリーンイノベーション」を更に進化させるこのヘリウムフリーパージプロセスによってリソグラフィプロセスでのヘリウムの使用量を大幅に削減することができます。







EcoPhoton™プログラムは、2003年以来、ギガフォトンがグリーンイノベーションを実現するために策定したロードマップです。このプログラムでは、レーザーの稼働コスト(Cost of Ownership = CoO)を、消耗部品により発生するコスト(Cost of Consumable = CoC)、ダウンタイムにより発生するコスト(Cost of Downtime=CoD)、環境負荷のコスト(Cost of Environment = CoE)の3種類に分類し、それぞれのコスト要因を詳細に分析、新技術の投入により継続的なコスト低減を目指します。





寺嶋 克知



Eメール: katsutomo_terashima@gigaphoton.com




Eメール: naoto_hisanaga@gigaphoton.com

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