
栃木県小山市; 2014年9月29日-リソグラフィ光源の主要メーカーであるギガフォトン株式会社は、同社の主要製品である高出力ArF液浸レーザー「GTシリーズ」向けの新機能「eGRYCOS(e-GIGAPHOTON Recycle Chamber Operation System)を本日発表しました。「eGRYCOS」は、ギガフォトンが推進するグリーンイノベーション(環境負荷のコスト削減活動)を実現するためのロードマップであるEcoPhoton™プログラムに従って、レーザー効率の大幅向上と消費電力の15%削減を実現するために開発されたレーザーチャンバの新機能です。

今日、半導体産業は他の産業分野よりもはるかに速いペースで成長を続けていますが、この急成長の原動力が製造装置の進化と言われています。最先端リソグラフィプロセスにおいて光源として使用されているArF液浸レーザーは、それが組み込まれる露光装置であるスキャナーの性能を向上させるために、出力の増加が要求されています。現在のレーザーの量産機は、出力60 Wで稼働していますが、最新のリソグラフィプロセスでは120 Wが要求されており、半導体産業が出力の増大を求めるにつれて、レーザーの消費電力も当然増加の一途を辿ることになります。




EcoPhoton™プログラムは、2003年以来、ギガフォトンがグリーンイノベーションを実現するために策定したロードマップです。このプログラムでは、レーザーの稼働コストを、消耗部品により発生するコスト(Cost of Consumable = CoC)、ダウンタイムにより発生するコスト(Cost of Downtime=CoD)、環境負荷のコスト(Cost of Environment = CoE)の3種類に分類し、それぞれのコスト要因を詳細に分析、新技術の投入によりコスト低減を実現します。






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Gigaphoton’s new “eGRYCOS” product for ArF immersion lasers enhances laser efficiency by 1.2 times, reduces electricity consumption by 15 percent

 OYAMA, JAPAN; September 29, 2014 — Gigaphoton Inc., a major lithography light source manufacturer, announced today that it has completed development of an electricity-reduction technology for its flagship “GT Series” of argon fluoride (ArF) immersion lasers used for semiconductor lithography processing. Based on the continuous evolution of its leading-edge “Green Innovations” environmental technologies Gigaphoton is unveiling its “eGRYCOS (e-GIGAPHOTON Recycle Chamber Operation System)” product, which enhances laser efficiency and reduces electricity consumption by 15 percent.

The semiconductor industry has been growing faster than other sectors, and one of the key drivers is the evolving improvements in manufacturing equipment. Because of their use as light sources in leading-edge lithography applications, ArF immersion lasers require i increased output power to support new enhancements of the scanners. Current high-volume production lasers are running at 60 W output, but the latest requirement has reached output of 120 W. As industry demand for higher power grows, the electricity that lasers consume will continue to increase as well.

 Gigaphoton has addressed this issue through its EcoPhoton program, and has continued to  work on developing a highly efficient laser chamber design. In a laser chamber, excimer gas flows between two electrodes; as the flow speed increases, the discharge becomes more stable, resulting in better laser performance. Gigaphoton’s redesigned chamber features a hydro-dynamically optimized gas flow channel shape, and enables the same speed of gas flow while consuming less electricity. In addition, the newly designed pre-ionization process enables uniform distribution of ions in the main discharge region, providing laser discharge that is 1.2 times more efficient (compared with existing products). As a result, “eGRYCOS” reduces electricity consumption by 15 percent (compared with existing products) without compromising laser performance.

“Gigaphoton has consistently focused on green innovations to support environmentally conscious ‘green fabs’,” said Hitoshi Tomaru, President and CEO of Gigaphoton Inc. “The ‘eGRYCOS’ product is an example of the success of our EcoPhoton program. We will continue to provide our global customers with innovative technologies that enable increased laser performance with lower energy consumption to meet the demands of today’s leading-edge lithography applications.”

* This utilizes the achievement of a program subsidized by NEDO(New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization)

 About the EcoPhoton™ Program

The EcoPhoton™ program is a roadmap started in 2003 to implement Green Innovations; it focuses on detailed analyses of three key cost-of-ownership (CoO) metrics: cost of consumables (CoC), cost of downtime (CoD), and cost of environment (CoE). The program aims at achieving continuous reduction of these costs by developing innovative green technologies.

 About Gigaphoton

Since it was founded in 2000, Gigaphoton has developed and delivered user-friendly, high-performance DUV laser light sources used by major semiconductor chipmakers in the Pan-Asian, US and European regions.

 Gigaphoton leads the way with cost-effective, highly productive lithography sources for high-volume production. With a global business outlook, Gigaphoton strives to be the world’s number-one lithography light source provider, focusing on end-user needs in every phase of its business — from research and development to manufacturing, to best-in-class reliability and world-class customer support. For more information, please visit http://www.gigaphoton.com.

Media Contact

Katsutomo Terashima
Corporate Planning Division

Gigaphoton Inc.

E-mail: web_info@gigaphoton.com


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Chiense version  click here    →eGRYCOS_TW