
Timely establishment of new support sites for customers entering the China market

Oyama, Tochigi; July 6, 2017 — Gigaphoton Inc. (Head Office: Oyama, Tochigi; President & CEO: Katsumi Uranaka), a leading manufacturer of light sources used in semiconductor lithography, has announced that the company will add support sites in China to have a total of 10 or more locations by the end of FY 2017.

Semiconductor production in China has been very active in recent years with increased capital investments by domestic and major international semiconductor manufacturers. Although China used to mainly manufacture conventional logic and analog devices, China now also mass-produces memory and is becoming one of the largest semiconductor markets in the world. After setting up support sites in Dalian and Xiamen in 2016, Gigaphoton established sites in Hefei and Shenzhen in spring 2017, making a total of eight sites in China now. The company plans to open support sites in cities including Nanjing and Chengdu from July on, totaling 10 or more sites by the end of FY 2017. In addition, it will establish One Gigaphoton, a system for supporting customers as a Gigaphoton group through close cooperation between the headquarters and subsidiaries in Korea and Taiwan to address the rapid growth of the Chinese market. The number of support staff is also expected to almost double from the current level.

Katsumi Uranaka, President & CEO of Gigaphoton said, “In order to support the fast-growing Chinese market, we will set up support sites in a timely manner to keep pace with the speed of our customers’ business. We believe our customers will feel the stability and high productivity of our laser through the support sites. Gigaphoton will continue to be a company that supports the growth of customers’ business.”

About Gigaphoton

Since it was founded in 2000, Gigaphoton has delivered valuable solutions to semiconductor manufacturers throughout the world as a light source supplier. In every stage from R&D to manufacture, sales, and maintenance services, Gigaphoton is committed to providing world-class support delivered from the perspective of everyday users. For more information please visit www.gigaphoton.com.

Media contact:

Gigaphoton Inc.

Corporate Planning Division

Katsutomo Terashima

Email: web_info@gigaphoton.com[:ja]


栃木県小山市; 2017年7月6日 — 半導体リソグラフィ光源の主要メーカーであるギガフォトン株式会社(本社: 栃木県小山市、代表取締役社長: 浦中克己)は2017年度内に、中国内サポート拠点が10か所以上に拡大すると発表しました。

近年の中国の半導体製造の状況は、国内企業に加えて国外大手半導体メーカーによる設備投資が増え、活況を呈しています。また、その内容は従来のロジックやアナログデバイス中心から、新たにメモリー量産も含めた展開となってきており、中国は世界最大規模の半導体市場となりつつあります。ギガフォトンも2016年度の大連、厦門に続き、2017年春は合肥、深圳にサポート拠点を立ち上げ、現在中国での拠点を8か所としましたが、7月以降は南京、成都等の立ち上げを予定しており、2017年度内にはトータルで10拠点以上になる予定です。また、ギガフォトングループとして、本社と韓国台湾の現地法人が一丸となってお客様をサポートするシステム“One GIGAPHOTON”に取り組み、中国市場の急拡大に対応できるサポート体制を構築していきます。あわせて人員も現在の約2倍に増員する見込みです。








Eメール: web_info@gigaphoton.com[:cs]


栃木县小山市–(BUSINESS WIRE)– (美国商业资讯)– 半导体光刻光源的主要供应商Gigaphoton株式会社(总部: 栃木县小山市、总经理: 浦中克己)表示,将在2017年度内把中国国内服务网点扩大到10个以上。

国内企业加上国外大型半导体厂商的设备投资不断增加,近年来中国半导体制造业呈现出了活跃态势。此外,其内容也从原来以逻辑或模拟设备为中心,扩展至包括内存量产在内的项目,中国正在逐步成为全球规模最大的半导体市场。Gigaphoton于2016年度在大连和厦门设立服务网点,紧接着于2017年春天在合肥和深圳设立服务网点,目前在中国已经拥有8个服务网点,而7月以后更是计划在南京、成都等地设立服务网点,当前的计划是在2017年度内合计在中国国内拥有10个以上的服务网点。此外,作为Gigaphoton集团的日本总部以及韩国台湾的现地法人,正齐心协力着手打造“One GIGAPHOTON”客户支持系统,构建可应对中国市场急剧扩张现状的支持体制。与此同时,Gigaphoton预计将把员工人数增加至当前的两倍。 Gigaphoton总经理兼首席执行官浦中克己先生表示, “为了支援显著成长的中国市场,本公司也将跟上客户的业务发展速度,及时设立服务网点。同时,我确信,我们将通过服务网点让客户真实感受到我们的激光产品的稳定性、生产性等优势。Gigaphoton今后也将继续支援客户的业务发展。”

Gigaphoton公司简介 Gigaphoton公司成立于2000年,作为一家激光器的供应商,自成立以来一直为全球的半导体生产厂商提供有价值的解决方案。Gigaphoton时刻以客户为中心,从产品研发到生产、销售及维护,为用户提供业界最高水准的支持。更为详细的介绍请您访问:www.gigaphoton.com






电子邮箱: web_info@gigaphoton.com[:ct]


栃木縣小山市–(BUSINESS WIRE)– (美國商業資訊)– 半導體微影光源的主要供應商Gigaphoton株式會社(總部: 栃木縣小山市,社長: 浦中克己)表示,將在2017年度內把中國國內服務據網點擴大到10個以上。

國內企業加上國外大型半導體廠商的設備投資不斷增加,近年來中國半導體製造業呈現出了活躍態勢。此外,其內容也從原來以邏輯或類比設備為中心擴展至包括記憶體量產在內的項目,中國正在逐步成為全球規模最大的半導體市場。Gigaphoton於2016年度在大連和廈門設立服務據點,緊接著於2017年春天在合肥和深圳設立服務據點,目前在中國已經擁有8個服務據點,而7月以後更是計劃在南京、成都等地設立服務據點,當前的計畫是在2017年度內合計在中國國內擁有10處以上的服務據點。此外,Gigaphoton集團目前已經著手建置One GIGAPHOTON系統,這是一個由總部和韓國以及臺灣的當地法人齊心協力支援客戶專案的系統,同時也將構築能夠因應中國市場迅速擴張現狀的支援體制。與此同時,Gigaphoton預計將把員工人數增加至當前的兩倍。 Gigaphoton社長兼執行長浦中克己先生表示,「為了支援目前實現顯著成長的中國市場,本公司也將隨著客戶的業務發展速度,及時設立服務據點。同時我們確信透過服務據點讓客戶實際感受到我們的雷射產品的穩定性、生產性等優勢。Gigaphoton今後也將繼續支援客戶的業務發展。」

Gigaphoton公司簡介 Gigaphoton公司成立於2000年,作為一家雷射器的供應商,自成立以來一直為全球的半導體生產廠商提供有價值的解決方案。Gigaphoton時刻以客戶為中心,從產品研發到生產、銷售及維護,為用戶提供業界最高水準的支援。更為詳細的介紹請您造訪:www.gigaphoton.com






電子信箱: web_info@gigaphoton.com[:kr]

Timely establishment of new support sites for customers entering the China market

Oyama, Tochigi; July 6, 2017 — Gigaphoton Inc. (Head Office: Oyama, Tochigi; President & CEO: Katsumi Uranaka), a leading manufacturer of light sources used in semiconductor lithography, has announced that the company will add support sites in China to have a total of 10 or more locations by the end of FY 2017.

Semiconductor production in China has been very active in recent years with increased capital investments by domestic and major international semiconductor manufacturers. Although China used to mainly manufacture conventional logic and analog devices, China now also mass-produces memory and is becoming one of the largest semiconductor markets in the world. After setting up support sites in Dalian and Xiamen in 2016, Gigaphoton established sites in Hefei and Shenzhen in spring 2017, making a total of eight sites in China now. The company plans to open support sites in cities including Nanjing and Chengdu from July on, totaling 10 or more sites by the end of FY 2017. In addition, it will establish One Gigaphoton, a system for supporting customers as a Gigaphoton group through close cooperation between the headquarters and subsidiaries in Korea and Taiwan to address the rapid growth of the Chinese market. The number of support staff is also expected to almost double from the current level.

Katsumi Uranaka, President & CEO of Gigaphoton said, “In order to support the fast-growing Chinese market, we will set up support sites in a timely manner to keep pace with the speed of our customers’ business. We believe our customers will feel the stability and high productivity of our laser through the support sites. Gigaphoton will continue to be a company that supports the growth of customers’ business.”

About Gigaphoton

Since it was founded in 2000, Gigaphoton has delivered valuable solutions to semiconductor manufacturers throughout the world as a light source supplier. In every stage from R&D to manufacture, sales, and maintenance services, Gigaphoton is committed to providing world-class support delivered from the perspective of everyday users. For more information please visit www.gigaphoton.com.

Media contact:

Gigaphoton Inc.

Corporate Planning Division

Katsutomo Terashima

Email: web_info@gigaphoton.com[:]